U.S. major indexes gave back some of their gains on Thursday after a strong run up in the previous Wednesday session. S&P 500, NASDAQ and DJIA all tried to stay in the green but succumbed by the end of the trading session. Big gainers included$台積電 (TSM.US)$, which led advancers on the stock market on Thursday as the chip titan announced solid quarterly revenue. But stocks swayed between modest gains and losses on Thursd...
151320450 : 準備好了下一個FTX
101897523 666 : 對於JD來說,他們將不僅僅是送餐,還將出售食品,以及包裹......將從B到C,剔除外部食品供應商!!我正在深入了解。
Kevin Matte : 我預計核能和房地產業在今年會上漲;我在過去幾天投資了很多!
Buy n Die Together❤ :