Space Dust
don't mess? it has high reward , like surfing. just last few weeks, I bought some at $42, sold few days later at 53. money talks. and like surfing, some waves don't materialize, or you mess up and fall off, or you get faked by a dud. but, you must be able to spot a riser early. that's the first skill taught and the first one forgotten.
Space Dust
the more I think, the more this is like futures trading. some futures traders only trade the Q's. that one thing. actually, this would be a good swing trade if you can spot it and time it. there are additional tools. weather reports. .
Space Dust : 將會有一個不錯的底部等待找尋。冬天將會提醒人們它依然存在。
72745367 : 謝謝Stevie,我期待着走出困境,離目標更近