1. 價格變動:CELU跳升至$3.20,上漲$0.95(42.22%),當日最高點為$3.20,最低點為$2.30。戲劇性的價格增加表明有正面動能或資訊影響該股。 2. 技術指標: • Moving Averages: The 20-day MA is at 2.291, and the 250-day MA is at 3.189, both of which suggest that the recent price spike has brought CELU close to or above long-term averages, signaling potential support. • Bollinger Bands: The bands...
根據文告,雲頂間接持有PT Astana的56%股權,將把策略夥伴Celularity Inc(美國納斯達克掛牌公司)的細胞療法經驗和再生醫學技術引進Fontaine Vitale。 #Celularity是一家再生醫學公司,開發來自胎盤同種異體的細胞療法和先進生物材料產品。
PT Astana總裁博尼哈里與PT Hotel Indonesia Natour總裁克里斯汀(右二)在雲頂總裁兼首席營運員拿督斯里陳光漢(左一)和PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia董事赫迪(右一)見證下籤約。
Benzinga· 3 分鐘前
Celularity正與其戰略合作夥伴Genting Berhad合作,將Celularity胎盤源異基因幹細胞治療產品引入亞太地區。Genting Berhad宣布在印尼峇里島興建一座嶄新的健康和健康中心,將利用Celularity的產品。
2. 技術指標:
• Moving Averages: The 20-day MA is at 2.291, and the 250-day MA is at 3.189, both of which suggest that the recent price spike has brought CELU close to or above long-term averages, signaling potential support.
• Bollinger Bands: The bands...