這不是一位CEO,您難道不明白這是一隻槓桿ETF嗎?Coinbase(COIN)在選舉後逐純動量從18美元漲至72美元。 氣球已經泄氣,槓桿ETF就是這樣變化的。 現在你需要做出決定,你是否認爲比特幣今年會大幅上漲?如果是,那就是這樣,是或否的問題。如果你認爲特朗普總統和國會以及SEC主席對比特幣持友好態度,而特朗普總統將根據他的話語採取加密貨幣行動,因爲他希望美國居首位,那就意味着你需要仔細思考一下是否做好準備,如果你是男人,需要敢於行動,需要在他發表公告之前買入,因爲特朗普總統在1月20日或之後的任何時間點都會發表講話,如果他採用了任何類型的支持加密貨幣、比特幣的策略,那麼你將會看到其他國家迅速效仿,當這種情況發生時,這隻ETF將再次進入上漲模式,這就是你需要在此之前小幅買入的原因。 the balloon has deflated and this is coming down that's what happens in a leveraged ETF. so now you need to make a decision do you believe Bitcoin will be significantly higher this year or not that's it it's a yes or no question and if you believe that President Trump and Congress and the head of the SEC are Bitcoin friendly and president Trump is going to do something his words with crypto because he wants the US to be first well that means you need to reach down and see if he got anything between your legs if you're a guy and you need to step up and you need to buy before he makes an announcement because January 20th at any point in time thereafter president Trump is going to say something and if he adopts any type of pro crypto Bitcoin strategy for reserve anything like that you will see a cascading of events for other countries to follow very quickly they will ramp up and when that happens this ETF is going to be in rally mode again which is why you need to nibble at it before that happens
10baggerbamm : 原始的拋盤行爲,你明白了嗎?這是一個與Coinbase普通股相對交易的槓桿ETF。Coinbase普通股目前正在與比特幣掛鉤,你不明白你在做什麼,所以你不應該和大人物一起玩,因爲顯然你不理解自己所涉及的事情
Too Tall 10baggerbamm :