
DWCW CCB 5xLongSG240807

  • 0.087
  • 0.0000.00%
延時10分鐘行情已收盤 08/07 09:00 (北京)
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    嗨,大家!任何想要縮寫的人 $建設銀行 (00939.HK)$?
    價格低於一目雲,支持我的看跌偏差,我打算在 5.56 點賣空的支撐位與 100% 斐波納奇預測和 38.2% 的斐波納奇回調相符,這表明屏障水平很高,並且價格可能反轉。我可能會將我的取利放在 61.8% 指數之間的合流區下的 5.45 水平...
    1) 中國監管機構鼓勵房地產項目收購:報告
    2) 恆大老闆在迄今為止最糟糕的一年導致 46 億美元財富損失
    3) 中國監管機構與島澳談判,信託延長貸款
    4) 順力中國出售三個項目以 68 億元:第二十一個預言
    5) React:世茂以虧損處置香港可能意味著流動性困境
    $建設銀行 (00939.HK)$
    如果您希望利用此功能,請考慮使用 DLC,
    5 個短褲 $CCB 5xShortSG220225 (DWBW.SG)$
    長 5 倍 $CCB 5xLongSG240807 (DWCW.SG)$
    For weeks, global markets have been watching the struggles of China Evergrande Group, a teetering real estate giant weighed down by US$300 billion or more in obligations that just barely seemed able to make its required payments to global investors. 3 days after a deadline passed leaving bondholders with nothing but silence from the company, a major credit ratings firm declared that Evergrande was in default. But instead of resolving questions about the fate of the Chinese behemoth, the announcement only deepened them. The firm, Fitch Ratings, said in its statement that it had placed the Chinese property developer in its "restricted default" category. The designation means Evergrande had formally defaulted but had not yet entered into any kind of bankruptcy filing, liquidation or other process that would stop its operations.
    It is the nature of that next step - bankruptcy, a fire sale, or business as usual - that remains unknown. In the United States and many other places, bondholders could push an unwilling company into some form of reorganisation, usually in court, and divvy up the pieces. That may still happen. But Evergrande is faltering in China, where the Communist Party keeps a firm hand on corporate meltdowns to keep them from spreading out of control. With Evergrande, the risk is high: A sudden unwinding of the company could hit the country's financial system or, potentially, the many homeowners in China who have already paid for Evergrande apartments that are yet to be built.
    The Politburo, China’s 25 most-senior political leaders, met on Monday and issued a communique that suggested there would be an easing of curbs on the real estate industry. That could help revive a market that saw home prices fall for the first time in six years in September, followed by an even bigger decline in October. Just as the deadline for Evergrande’s bond payments was ticking down late on Monday, China’s central bank announced it was cutting how much the country’s commercial lenders would have to set aside as reserves. By doing so, 1.2 trillion yuan, or about $190 billion, would be released into the economy.
    If you wish to leverage on this consider using DLCs,
    $建設銀行 (00939.HK)$
    5x short $CCB 5xShortSG220225 (DWBW.SG)$
    5x long $CCB 5xLongSG240807 (DWCW.SG)$
    嘿大家!退房 $建設銀行 (00939.HK)$ 〜我可以看到價格正在遵守下降趨勢線阻力位。我預計價格將從樞軸水平下跌,符合 23.6% 斐波納奇回調和 61.8% 斐波納奇預測向取利水平,符合 161.8% 斐波納奇回調和 127.2% 斐波那契預測。我的看跌偏差進一步受到價格保持在一目的雲下方,並且正在形成強勁的阻力位。
    潛在樞軸等級 @5 .20
    潛在取利等級 @4 .95
    潛在止損等級 @5 .30
    $CCB 5xShortSG220225 (DWBW.SG)$
    $CCB 5xLongSG240807 (DWCW.SG)$