Large-cap stocks are currently outpacing their smaller counterparts, showcasing a notable performance disparity. According to Dow Jones Market Data, the Russell 1000 index, representing large companies, has surged 9.2% this year, significantly surpassing the modest 0.7% gain of the small-cap concentrated Russell 2000. This year's outperformance is the widest since 1997, examining years in which the Russell 1000 remained in positive territory thro...
727727727 : 我認為 Activision/暴雪的收購目前還沒有完全定價給微軟。僅這一點就應該彌補他們對雲增長緩慢的擔憂(無論如何,我也不認為這將在下季度實現!)。MSFT 的 Q3 和 Q4 應該很棒。記住我的話。