Liao91 : it does not mean it is launching January. Dude calm down. You gonna cause a lot of pain for new investors if they thought it is confirm to launch January.
TechSavy : IM2 launches in Feb and IM3 is like July or August. where did you get this bad info?
Liao91 TechSavy : IM-3 probably not earlier than october. lunar sun bro..
Liao91 TechSavy : and it is not bad. he is just spreading wrong info. dude cant even read properly with whatever he is smoking today
Liao91 : does not mean anything. not new info. Not sure if you guys are reading it right
Moo mom : 火箭燃料
Liao91 : 我喜歡這種熱情,但Im-3不會在2025年2月推出,也不會在2025年初推出。請不要在沒有確鑿證據的情況下散佈虛假言論。
Talented Mr Ripley 樓主 Liao91 : 重新發布信息。
Monster -ki Liao91 :
Liao91 : 嗯,可能是網站上的一個拼寫錯誤。只要日期不是從IM口中獲得的,那麼一切都是估計或猜測。
Talented Mr Ripley : 感謝澄清。
Monster -ki 樓主 Talented Mr Ripley :
103708607 : 中立,沒有好消息意味着下跌。如果價格上漲,之後會下跌。可以考慮利用這種模式來賣高買低。
我们这里还有鱼 樓主 103708607 : 我明白了。突然有一種感覺,買入的東西也跌了
Johnny Mnemonic : 如果股價上升,它已經開始穩步攀升,但短期內股價正在下跌。
Tonyco : 需要催化劑來推動股價上漲。如果您不願意持有直到下一次發射或盈利發佈,那麼可能在那之前賣出。暫時它會慢慢下跌。
Tonyco : 也要記住這是一個與SpaceX(臨時代碼)競爭激烈的領域,由於馬斯克對政府的拍馬屁,可能會影響其地位
103680466 樓主 Tonyco : 明白兄弟,謝謝,我相信Im2
Z00M00 : 不錯的嘗試Space X、露娜和NASA都在共同合作。我持有謝謝。
Liao91 : it does not mean it is launching January. Dude calm down. You gonna cause a lot of pain for new investors if they thought it is confirm to launch January.
TechSavy : IM2 launches in Feb and IM3 is like July or August. where did you get this bad info?
Liao91 TechSavy : IM-3 probably not earlier than october. lunar sun bro..
Liao91 TechSavy : and it is not bad. he is just spreading wrong info. dude cant even read properly with whatever he is smoking today