五代雄杰 : Any idea why dropped so much? I tried to find any news couldn't find any.
104238715 樓主 : thats the thing no news. but market is concerned with its revenue growth and sustainability. u also hv this stock at high price?
104330675 : 正義不會不到,只是晚到
Buy n Die Together❤ :
MultiBaggers : 特朗普想要與習近平會面,但這並不意味着習近平想要與特朗普會面。
Run Quan Ooi 104330675 : 傳真
Run Quan Ooi MultiBaggers : k
MAGA MAGA : Crown Electrokinetics現在正在盤後市場大漲!!
五代雄杰 : Any idea why dropped so much? I tried to find any news couldn't find any.
104238715 樓主 : thats the thing no news. but market is concerned with its revenue growth and sustainability. u also hv this stock at high price?