The time-honored tradition of giving back is a virtue in itself. It can take many forms, depending on one's interests, skills and availability. Personally, I enjoy contributing by participating in community events, such as helping to host year-end celebrations or outings for seniors, organised by those Active Aging Care Corners in my country. In terms of monetary donations, my top priorities are The Red Cross Home and Ren Chi Hospital and Medicare as they consistently make a meaningful impact on those in need.
103637861 : 感謝推薦分享了我的meme lol 非常有啓發性的哦
HuatLady : The time-honored tradition of giving back is a virtue in itself. It can take many forms, depending on one's interests, skills and availability.
Personally, I enjoy contributing by participating in community events, such as helping to host year-end celebrations or outings for seniors, organised by those Active Aging Care Corners in my country.
In terms of monetary donations, my top priorities are The Red Cross Home and Ren Chi Hospital and Medicare as they consistently make a meaningful impact on those in need.
HuatEver :
102362254 : 我相信回饋是實現真正成功的重要組成部分,我嘗試將我的貢獻與深深 resonat 的慈善事業對齊。對我來說,我欽佩專注於教育和賦權的慈善機構,幫助人們培養技能並獲得創造持久變革的機會。我認爲這是在回饋的同時投資未來的絕佳方式
ZnWC : 在年底,我將捐出我的收益。上次,我通過基金籌款計劃直接向幾個慈善團體捐款。但是挪用醜聞報道讓我在捐款方面更加謹慎。最臭名昭著的案例是2005年新加坡國家腎臟基金醜聞。我變得更加警惕,只有在閱讀他們的目的和財務報告後才捐款。