看漲2天的認購期權溢價。 您可以立即以39.63美元的賣盤價買入,然後本週五賣出一個1月3日到期的看漲期權,收取超過5美元,這爲您提供一個5美元的對沖空間,低於自11月6日拆分調整以來的水平。 you could buy it right here at $39.63 on the ask immediately sell a January 3rd call this Friday and collect over $5 that gives you a $5 hedge to the downside lower than where it's been since November 6th split adjusted
這是因爲他們今天支付了股息,我沒有注意到,所以這裏的價格中包含了14美元的股息,這就是爲什麼期權價格出現問題。 當我看到這麼高的溢價時,我以爲我會得到一個免費禮物,於是我就買了這支股票,然後賣出看漲期權,查看我的帳戶時發現交易上出現了巨額虧損,於是我趕緊平倉,以比購買價格多八分之一的價格賣出了微策略公司的股票,並回購了看漲期權,時間是10點(我以11美元的價格賣出了39看漲期權,後來在意識到股息問題後,不想爲股息繳稅,於是平倉,並在10點回購了合約,然後以比購入價格高八分之一的價格拋出股票),所以我在一切倒塌之前能夠相對迅速地平倉。 I thought I was getting a free gift when I saw this huge premium I went out and I bought the stock I sold a call against it and I'm looking at my account I'm like what the hell's going on here cuz it showed a huge loss on the trade already and I was able to unwind it and sell micro strategy for an eighth more and buy the call options back at 10:00 (I sold a 39 call at 11, and when I realized what the hell was going on with the dividend I don't want to pay taxes on a dividend, so I unwound the position and I was able to close out the contracts by buying them back at 10:00 and then dumping the stock for an eighth profit over what I paid) so I was able to unwind the position relatively quickly before everything dumped.
Altho : 如果比特幣價格大幅上漲,並且MSTR達到他們的比特幣累積目標,那麼股價將會上漲。這可能會在2025年或者像……2030年。