you see that number government that number always expands under Biden and now under Trump it's going to contract significantly but no one is going to factor that in today because that would make too much sense there's going to be enormous departments that are shut down hopefully starting with the department of education which has been a complete failure.. that number that you see for larger government larger government go back and look at it for 4 years that's going to peak right here right now it's going straight down over the next 4 years so that's going to offset a significant amount of jobs that actually are very high paying jobs because the government pays about 2x versus the private sector for the same position. you think firm emotion and I know this first hand I owned and operated several businesses for almost 20 years. the one reoccurring constant we never hired anybody from the government to work for us because their expectations of salary and pay was asinine. my brother for all intensive purposes after 20 years in the military and 20 years in the government was an administrative assistant that was his last job title that's a glorified secretary in the private sector an admin. we would pay an admin about $45,000 a year as a base and then insurance and things like that so it bumps up the net that they would receive when you factor it all in my brother's making $150,000 a year working for the government. so this government figure that you see 30% growth it's going straight down under Trump and it needs to be discussed but nobody on TV is talking about it no bobbleheads are talking about it