Seems like it's been playing within the ranges. Have you checked out how their holdings are doing? Everything is in bull push pretty much. Could actually go higher today. Not to say it will. If so, I expect some dramatic pullback at some point. Careful with those zero-day trades. They can leave you in a bad spot if you're in the wrong range. Or if not deep enough in the money possibly when starting? I'm hoping for more push today, we will see. GL to yall! You too, Gilly! Gilly, I actually took a short position when it hit 516 and narrowly got out on its small dip after lunch. Would have been easier had I been deeper ITM instead of choosing a 515 put thinking there was pullback coming. It's maintained price since then. That's why I find it a possibility to push more.
Gilley : 最近30次中有29次的拉回,只有1次上漲,這次上漲持續了幾天,我感到很惱火,本來不應該有這麼大的漲幅。今天是虛假的,但我不知道,感覺最近這個市場被操縱了。考慮等到拜登離開才繼續交易,感覺被搶劫了。我很擅長找到好的時機,但真正投入資金後,總是錯的。我整天都在觀察,每天都會猜對4天,但是我交易的那天總是錯的。如果不交易,我會很生氣,錯過了像上週我迫不及待想買看跌期權一樣。每次到達支撐位時都很完美,兩週內有4次到達支撐位,然後有兩天突破了壓力位。我在壓力位買入,它卻無法突破長期的高位趨勢,除了上次特朗普的短暫上漲外,持續了三天,但當時有原因,之後股價又回落。
Gilley : 只是想想有多少次它差點跌破支撐位時沒有力量,我打了幾個電話後才恢復過來,我是立刻賣出的。今天我很生氣,我持有看跌期權,我通常會賣掉它們,好吧我的確賣掉了我今天持有的部分,但卻買了更多明天用的,只有好好跌了5分鐘,我剛剛賣掉看跌期權並買入更多,瞬間恢復了,真是瘋狂,今天唯一的好跌是在我賣掉看跌期權併購入更多後的那一刻,所以我不知道明天會發生什麼新的瘋狂的趨勢,我真覺得明天將會向上開始,因爲尤其在輕鬆突破支撐位時,它真的不應該能夠過上一半的大七個時期的高點,我認爲1是在新的高點。
trynnamakeit 樓主 Gilley : 可以理解。那次突破支撐位的行情太瘋狂了,出乎意料。
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY : Seems like it's been playing within the ranges. Have you checked out how their holdings are doing? Everything is in bull push pretty much. Could actually go higher today. Not to say it will. If so, I expect some dramatic pullback at some point. Careful with those zero-day trades. They can leave you in a bad spot if you're in the wrong range. Or if not deep enough in the money possibly when starting? I'm hoping for more push today, we will see. GL to yall! You too, Gilly!
Gilly, I actually took a short position when it hit 516 and narrowly got out on its small dip after lunch. Would have been easier had I been deeper ITM instead of choosing a 515 put thinking there was pullback coming. It's maintained price since then. That's why I find it a possibility to push more.