protraderx 樓主 : Anyone who only knows how to laugh at others with nothing to contribute to the investing community will be blocked immediately, and his profile will be sent to the moomoo administration.
73993739 : 是的寶寶
102332870 : 等待比特幣到15萬美元
Camlove27 : 就我個人而言,我會繼續持有。我有35股,每股大約7.50美元,如果跌至10美元以下我會再買入。應該會隨着比特幣回升。
152243478 : 要麼買入更多股票並平均成本,要麼在價格下跌時賣出並買入
All Also Taken : 騷亂
mikem85 : 等待
protraderx 樓主 : Anyone who only knows how to laugh at others with nothing to contribute to the investing community will be blocked immediately, and his profile will be sent to the moomoo administration.