LittleSoldier : 是的,我想這是有道理的,但真的很難區分假新聞和真實資訊!我敢肯定即使那是真的也需要很多年的時間才能製造出來!!
10baggerbamm 樓主 LittleSoldier : the question that I have is Trump said very very recently this month that there will be no hydrogen powered cars they tend to blow up, pretty much is exact words
Kevin007 : 哪裏看到這個新聞
102875548 : 一針見血。
FF-Rise : 不,只是等待其更正
STOP STOP : 620…
LittleSoldier : 是的,我想這是有道理的,但真的很難區分假新聞和真實資訊!我敢肯定即使那是真的也需要很多年的時間才能製造出來!!
10baggerbamm 樓主 LittleSoldier : the question that I have is Trump said very very recently this month that there will be no hydrogen powered cars they tend to blow up, pretty much is exact words