The 27 analysts surveyed by Nikkei Asia revised their GDP forecast for 2025 to 4.4%, representing a 0.1 percentage point decline from the previous prediction. The outlook for 2026 also indicates a downward trend, with economists anticipating GDP growth of 4.1%. Despite the looming uncertainties, some economists remain optimistic. Kenny Ng, securities strategist at Everbright Securities International, expects China to achieve 4.9% growth in 2025, citing Beijing's ongoing efforts to stabilize the property and financial markets. However, others express more cautious sentiments. Wang Tao, UBS chief China economist, forecasts a slower GDP growth of 4.0% in 2025, warning that US tariff hikes will likely further strain the property market. J.P. Morgan Chief China Economist Haibin Zhu offers the most pessimistic outlook, predicting a mere 3.9% GDP growth in 2025. Zhu warns that the tariff hike could negatively impact growth by nearly 2 percentage points, prompting potential retaliatory measures from Beijing. Source: China's GDP growth to decelerate to 4.4% in 2025, say economists Or China's Economic Growth to Decelerate in 2025, Says Economists It said a turnaround in the China property market was not expected until late 2025. The World Bank forecasts growth in China will slow to 4.5% for 2025. However, that is still higher than earlier forecasts of 4.1%. China GDP growth rate is just a figure. More importantly is to read from more than one forecast and the reasons behind it. The bank's forecast seems to be more pessimistic and weighs more on the US tariff hike risk.
該公司的首席執行官認爲 Li Auto 相信 智能汽車就是簡單的機器人,並且公司最終會進入更爲複雜的領域。 人形機器人.
創業公司在機器人領域的參與"絕對 百分之百的概率,"Li Auto的創始人、董事長兼CEO李翔在昨天的一次人工智能交流活動上回答問題時說。
但是介入該領域的時間 暫時不可以,李補充道。
小鵬 AeroHT 宣佈將顯示 模塊化飛行汽車 叫 陸地航空母艦 在 拉斯維加斯CES 2025,我們。該飛行器包括一艘帶增程器的大型三軸航空母艦和一個內部有兩個座位的飛行單元。陸地航空母艦(LAC)計劃於2026年量產,價格約爲200万元人民幣(28万美元)。
中國汽車製造商 小鵬 繼續準備推出其 人形機器人 - 步入特斯拉的腳步。該公司已經獲得了新的 設計專利 根據最新公佈的專利,涵蓋了其人形機器人的創新"腿部結構"。
在去年8月發佈了對其人形機器人的首次預告之後,XPeng發佈了其名爲'Iron' 的機器人,並宣佈其擁有「超過60個關節和200度的自由度」以及科技...
1)Visual Capitalist:
• 本圖表描繪了根據摩根士丹利2024年11月編制的數據,預測2023年至2026年間亞洲一些國家人均GDP的增長情況。
• 預計中國的人均GDP增長率僅爲3.9%。 中國經濟正面臨一系列重大挑戰,包括房地產危機和高開多……
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $比亞迪股份 (01211.HK)$ $比亞迪(ADR) (BYDDY.US)$ $蔚來 (NIO.US)$ $理想汽車 (LI.US)$
1. 蔚來:3700+4400+5400=13500,Onvo:1430+1700+2100=5230,總計13500+5230=18,730(12月目標:30,449)
2. 理想:12600+14100+13900=40,600(12月目標:59,817)
3. 小鵬:7000+7200+7400=21,600(12月目標:32,188)
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