DARW Meituan 5xShortSG231214

  • 0.007
  • 0.0000.00%
10分遅延取引中 03/16 13:29 CST
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    Hey guys, let me know what you think about shorting $美団点評(03690.HK)$ 
    My entry to short is at 263. That's where the 50% Fibonacci retracement, resistance for the ichimoku and the graphical overlap resistance lines up. I'll take profit at the next support at 231 or even lower at 226 where the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement is and have my SL at 286 in line with the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement.
    Entry: 263
    Take Profit: 226
    Stop Loss: 286
    $Meituan 5xShortSG231214(DARW.SG)$ 
    $Meituan 5xLongSG220808(DMGW.SG)$
    Shorting Meituan?
    中国のテクノロジージャイアント、MeituanからAlibaba Group Holdingsまでが失速し、米国での中国企業の上場撤退の懸念がある中、香港株は金曜日の朝に下落しました。
    ハンセン指数は、現地時間午前10時に1.1%下落し、2日間の利益を反転させ、0.9%の週次損失に追い込まれました。ハンセンテック指数は1.8%減少し、中国の上海総合指数は0.3%上昇しました。 Alibabaは2.8%下落して香港ドル119.20ドルに急落し、引き続き過去最低値で取引が続いています。飲食配達プラットフォームの運営者Meituanは3.3%減少し、オンラインゲーム大手のテンセントも2.5%減少しました。
    5倍ショート $Meituan 5xShortSG231214(DARW.SG)$
    5倍ロング $Meituan 5xLongSG220808(DMGW.SG)$
    Meituan founder and Chief Executive Officer Wang Xing announced in an internal meeting on Wednesday that the company is going to set up a special team to oversee the operation of its retail business, the new business priority for the company.
    -The team includes five members, including CEO Wang Xing, Wang Puzhong and Chen Liang. The latter two are senior vice presidents overseeing the company’s home delivery and grocery delivery arms, respectively. The other two members are Guo Wanhui, the head of restaurant produce delivery platform Kuailv, and the head of Meituan app Li Shubin.
    -The company has integrated the business of Meituan Youxuan, a community grocery unit and Kuailv to increase efficiency. Chen will lead the integrated team with assistance from Guo.
    -With the move, Meituan is taking a leaf out of Amazon’s book, which created a similar D-team in 2008, a critical transitional phase for the e-commerce giant to shift to a digital giant.
    -Guo Qing, a member of the company’s senior executive team called S-team and manager of its transportation unit, is going to leave the company to work on his own startup, according to LatePost. Home delivery president Zhang Chuan reportedly will replace Guo.
    Meituan and other chinese tech giants have been under growing scrutiny from Chinese regulators recently. However with the focus on new growth opportunies, Meituan continues to be a good investing opportunity for growth.
    If you wish to leverage on this, you may consider using DLCs,
    5x long $Meituan 5xLongSG220808(DMGW.SG)$
    5x Short $Meituan 5xShortSG231214(DARW.SG)$
    皆さんこんにちは皆さんは何を考えていますか $美団点評(03690.HK)$ !!
    $Meituan 5xLongSG220808(DMGW.SG)$  $Meituan 5xShortSG231214(DARW.SG)$