Moomoo Malaysia Help Center-Trading
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1. Subscription

1.1 You can subscribe to the funds with your universal accounts as follows:

Step 1. Deposit money into your moomoo accounts

Step 2. Choose the fund that interests you

Step 3. Go to the Detailed Quotes page

Step 4. Click the "Subscribe" button in the bottom

Step 5. Fill in the subscription amount

Step 6. Submit your subscription by clicking the "Subscribe" button


2. Day T

Day T refers to the trading day when fund companies process investors' subscriptions, redemptions, and other requests. Day T varies across funds because fund companies have self-determined cut-off times.

Assume a fund company's cut-off time is 12:00.

● If an investor submits a subscription/redemption before 12:00 on Monday, the order will be processed on Monday (T).

● If an investor submits a subscription/redemption after 14:00 on Monday, the order will be processed on Tuesday (T+1).

● If an investor submits a subscription/redemption after 14:00 on Friday, the order will be processed next Monday (T+1).


3. Redemption

You can redeem the funds via the following steps:

● Go to Account page

● Click the fund to enter the Position Details page and click the Redeem button

● Fill in the redemption units

For liquidity funds, investors can only apply for redemptions until the units are confirmed, which is subject to the trading rules of the specific fund (time may vary across different funds). The posted amount can be used to trade stocks, subscribe to IPOs, or make a withdrawal.

For cash withdrawable time after the redemption, please check the trading rules on the Detailed Quotes page.


4. Redeemed amount 

It normally takes five business days to post the amount into your account after the redemption. You can check the redemption progress by clicking「Accounts - History - Order History - Funds」.


5. NAV

The trend chart displayed on the Detailed Quotes page indicates the fund's net asset value trend in a given period. Therefore, investors can assess the fund's volatility, historical performance, etc., based on the chart. The chart, along with the NAV, is updated at the end of every trading day.


6. Estimated arrival of new gains

Gains will be generated once the units are confirmed and will be distributed after 21:00 MYT every trading day. Please refer to the actual arrival time of gains.

Gains will be accumulated and distributed on the next trading day of weekends, holidays, and other non-trading days.

For details about the estimated arrival of new gains, you can check:

● Timeline on the Subscription Completed page after you submit a subscription

● Trading rules on the Detailed Quotes page

● The Revenue Detail page


7. Restrictions

Subscription: There is a minimum investment amount.

Redemption: For liquidity funds, investors can only apply for redemption when the units are confirmed.


8. Fees

Fund companies will charge a certain amount of money as the management fee. The fee will be deducted from the fund's net asset value. There is no need for investors to make extra payment.


9. Cancellation

After submitting a subscription or redemption, you can cancel it before the fund company begins processing your order.

Cancellation allowed: 30 minutes before the cut-off time. Day T varies across funds because fund companies have self-determined cut-off times.

Types allowed: liquidity funds

You can cancel your orders via the app by clicking Accounts > History > the order you'd like to cancel > Cancel order.


● If you submit a subscription at 8:00 on a trading day (cut-off time is 9:00), you can cancel the order before 8:30 on the same day. The order will be processed by the fund company after 8:30 and cannot be cancelled since then.

● If you submit a subscription at 8:30 on a trading day, you can cancel the order before 8:30 on the next trading day.

● Orders cannot be cancelled if they are submitted between 8:30 and 9:00 on a trading day.