Market optimism for the stock is rising after years of progress. The CEO's lower remuneration may suggest a focus on growth. The strong TSR over the last 3 years, largely due to dividends, indicates positive investor sentiment.
Central China Land Media CO.,LTD's low P/E ratio is due to its forecast growth being lower than the market. Investors expect limited future growth and are willing to pay less for the stock. These conditions form a barrier for the share price.
Despite the growth in the company's capital employed, the static ROCE returns and failure to invest funds in high return opportunities does not inspire confidence for Central China Land MediaLTD to become a multi-bagger stock in the future.
Central China Land MediaLTD's rising profit and fair CEO pay suggest competent leadership. It's P/E ratio comparison to its industry peers might also be of interest to investors.
There's alarm about the company's investments yielding low ROCE despite increased capital employed. The stagnant ROCE and escalated investment without high yield might stymie long-term growth unless these trends upgrade. Market anticipation of these ameliorating trends seems to be critical to the stock’s appreciation.
Central China Land Media Stock Forum
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