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Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ): Currently, the corn price trend is generally expected to be strong.
On February 13th, Gelonghui reported that Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ) stated on its investor interaction platform that the domestic Corn market price is influenced by various factors, and currently, the overall trend of Corn prices is expected to be relatively strong.
Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ): No relevant research has been conducted on artificial synthesized starch.
On February 13, Gelonghui reported that Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company has not conducted any research related to artificially synthesized starch.
COFCO Biotechnology to Relocate Lactide Production Project to Anhui Province
Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ) plans to implement a relocation project for an annual production of 0.03 million tons of propylene glycol with a total investment of 0.655 billion yuan.
Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ) announced that the company intends to implement a relocation project for an annual production of 0.03 million tons of propylene glycol, from Jilin Province to...
COFCO Technology: 2024 Annual Results Forecast
Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ) has announced a pre-profit forecast, expecting a net income of 18 million to 27 million yuan for the fiscal year 2024, reversing the loss compared to the previous year.
Cofco Biotechnology (000930.SZ) released its 2024 annual performance forecast, expecting the annual net profit attributable to listed companies to be...