Daan Gene Co.,Ltd.: Announcement of Annual Equity Distribution Implementation in 2023
Daan Gene: 2022 Annual Equity Distribution Implementation Notice
Daan Gene: Announcement on the free transfer of state-owned shares of the second largest shareholder to complete the transfer registration
Daan Gene: An indicative announcement on the free transfer of state-owned shares of the second largest shareholder
Daan Gene: Simplified Equity Change Report (Bioengineering Center)
Daan Gene: Simplified Equity Change Report (Guangzhou Financial Holdings Group)
Daan Gene: Announcement on the progress of the implementation of the company directors' holdings reduction plan more than half of the time
Daan Gene: Pre-disclosure announcement on the company's directors' proposed reduction in their shareholding
Daan Gene: Announcement on the expiration of the company directors\' holdings reduction plan
Daan Gene: Announcement on the joint participation of the company and related parties in the targeted issuance of additional shares and related transactions of subscribed holding subsidiaries
Daan Gene: 2020 Annual Equity Distribution Implementation Notice
Daan Gene: Sun Yat-sen University Daan Gene Co., Ltd. employee cash incentive system based on annual revenue rewards
Daan Gene: Pre-disclosure announcement on the company's directors' proposed reduction in their shareholding
Daan Gene: Announcement on the second largest shareholder's free transfer of shares to complete the transfer registration
Daan Gene: Announcement on the completion of commercial and commercial change registration and change of actual controller of the company's controlling shareholder's equity transfer
Daan Gene: Announcement on the progress of the free transfer and transfer of shares of the company's second largest shareholder
Daan Gene: Announcement on the progress of proposed changes in the actual controller of the company
Daan Gene: Announcement on the progress of proposed changes in the actual controller of the company
Daan Gene: Announcement on the progress of the implementation of the company directors' holdings reduction plan more than half of the time
Daan Gene: Simplified Statement of Changes in Equity