HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 1.500
  • -0.030-1.96%
Market Closed Dec 27 16:08 CST
634.07MMarket Cap-21.74P/E (TTM)

About CN INT DEV CORP Company

The best choice for leather accessories Zhonglian Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Zhongxi International Holdings Co., Ltd. “the Company”) has successfully established an important position in the design and production of branded leather accessories after more than 20 years of active business expansion. Its experienced management successfully led the company from a small business to an internationally renowned leather products company, specializing in the design, production and export of belts and other small leather goods such as wallets, notepads, keychains, etc. By selling products to famous clothing retailers in the US, Europe and Asia, the company creates leather accessories for many well-known international brands, which are loved by people who value style and quality around the world. Since the company has a production plant in China, it can use this advantage to cooperate with major high-end retail groups in China, so that its products can be sold all over the country through their huge distribution network. With a keen sense of fashion trends and customer needs, the company has successfully established an important position in the leather accessories market. Our main retail brand - AREA0264 AREA0264 is a brand name chain with a stylish and unique image, aimed at young customers who are constantly looking for unique and popular clothing. Established in 2004, AREA0264 was immediately popular with young people and became a must-visit place for popular pilgrims, providing a variety of fashion apparel with a one-stop shopping concept. Area0264 not only offers the full line of UrbanStranger products, but also various fashion brands from Japan, Europe, and the United States. AREA0264 has a wide range of products, including casual wear, sportswear, jeans, handbags, wallets, jackets, footwear, and accessories. AREA0264 strives to meet customers' pursuit of avant-garde fashion clothing, and regularly updates products and brand lines to ensure that customers can find the most popular clothing. Each AREA0264 store is carefully designed to express AREA0264's unique fashion image with a special display, so that customers can enjoy the best shopping experience.

Company Profile

Listing DateMar 12, 2003
Issue Price0.60
Shares Offered93.80M share(s)
FoundedApr 12, 2002
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanjingfei zhao
Secretaryzengwu chen
Audit InstitutionTianjian Deyang Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Company CategoryOther
Registered OfficeCricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681 Grand Cayman KY1-1111 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of Business26th Floor, 39 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Zhonglian Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. (former name: Zhongxi International Holdings Co., Ltd.) is a Hong Kong investment holding company mainly engaged in leather goods related business. The company mainly operates through two major divisions. The production division is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of leather goods. The Retail segment retails fashion apparel, footwear and leather accessories. The company's main brand is AREA 0264.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • jingfei zhao
  • Chairman of the Board, Executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
  • 180.00K
  • xin fan
  • CEO, Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Members, Authorized Representative
  • 180.00K
  • bohan qin
  • Executive Director
  • 180.00K
  • weijie liang
  • Executive Director
  • --
  • yu han
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 120.00K
  • lixin jia
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Audit Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 120.00K
  • yi rong
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Audit Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • 120.00K
  • zengwu chen
  • Company Secretary
  • --
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