Sichuan Jiuyuan Yinhai Software.Co.Ltd's high P/E ratio is justified by its superior earnings outlook. Investors' positive sentiment indicates they don't see a significant risk of earnings deterioration.
Investors are likely banking on the company's future performance to justify its high P/E ratio. As long as growth expectations remain and the risk of earnings decline isn't significant, robust support for the share price should continue.
Despite the high P/E ratio, investors expect a significant market outperformance from the company. High growth anticipation seems to justify the steep ratio; as long as expectations persist, solid support for share prices continues.
Investors anticipate strong future growth for the company, explaining the high P/E ratio. These growth expectations, in absence of potential earning deterioration, underpin the share price.
Investors might be banking on a significant market outperformance by the company, possibly justifying its high P/E ratio. As long as growth expectations persist and potential earnings deterioration is not seen as significant, this will remain a strong bolster to the company's share price.
The sentiment towards Sichuan Jiuyuan Yinhai Software's shares hasn't changed much over the years and seems to be reacting to the EPS. The company's recent annualized return of 53%, including dividend, suggests improved performance and possibly, real business momentum.
Sichuan Jiuyuan Yinhai Software Stock Forum
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