HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

00289 WING ON CO

  • 11.780
  • 0.0000.00%
Market Closed Dec 27 16:08 CST
3.41BMarket Cap-8.74P/E (TTM)

About WING ON CO Company

The Group's main business is managing department stores and investing in properties. Established in 1907, Yongan Department Store has a long history in Hong Kong and is a leader in the department store industry. Yongan provides a range of high-quality products from within and outside the region and provides convenient and friendly customer service for one-stop shopping. In 2007, Yongan Department Store celebrated its 100th anniversary. Yongan will continue to move forward to meet the shopping needs of customers in the 21st century. The Group invests in properties all over Hong Kong, the US and Australia.

Company Profile

Company NameWING ON CO
Registered AddressBermuda
Chairmanzhiliang guo
Secretaryjiatian xian
Audit InstitutionKPMG
Company CategoryOther
Registered OfficeVictoria Place, 5th Floor 31 Victoria Street Hamilton HM 10 Bermuda
Head Office and Principal Place of Business7th Floor, Wing On Centre, 211 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Phone(852) 2852 1888
Fax(852) 2541 4342
Business Yongan International Limited is a Hong Kong investment holding company mainly engaged in department stores and property business. The company operates through two major divisions. The Department Store division operates department stores in Hong Kong, China. The Property Investment Division engages in commercial property leasing. It invests in a portfolio of properties located in Hong Kong, China, Australia and the US.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • zhiliang guo
  • Presidencies, Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • 7.23M
  • zhiheng guo
  • Vice-chairman, CEO, Executive Director
  • 6.49M
  • zhibiao guo
  • Executive Director
  • 4.96M
  • zhiyi guo
  • Executive Director
  • 4.55M
  • huizhu tan
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Audit Committee Members
  • 408.00K
  • yongning liang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee Members
  • 703.00K
  • Nicholas James Debnam
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 674.00K
  • lixin chen
  • General Manager
  • --
  • jiatian xian
  • Director of Accounting, Company Secretary
  • --
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