Rising Sun Enterprise was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in September 1996, stock code 00393. In 1997, Xuri Enterprise was selected as a Hong Kong constituent stock of the Dow Jones Index by the U.S. Du Jones Securities; in 1998, Xuri Enterprise was selected as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng 50 Mid-Cap Index. The main business of Rising Sun Enterprise is clothing retail, which accounts for about 88% of the company's total sales. The retail network is distributed in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, and the Middle East, with more than 3,000 retail stores. The company is also engaged in clothing export trade and manufacturing. Xuri Enterprise has always been committed to providing customers with products and services with excellent value for money, and its corporate mission is to satisfy customers, give employees the opportunity to use their strengths, obtain reasonable returns, and partner growth simultaneously, so as to ultimately bring maximum social benefits and implement the corporate philosophy of “taking advantage of society and using society”.
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