HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

00434 BOYAA

  • 3.880
  • -0.050-1.27%
Market Closed Mar 27 16:08 CST
2.76BMarket Cap2.89P/E (TTM)

About BOYAA Company

Liberal Arts Interactive International Limited (“Boya Interactive” or the “Company”) is a leading developer and operator of online board games, with a strategic focus on mobile games. Currently, the company has provided a total of 16 online games, 13 of which are classic board games for a long time. Meanwhile, 12 games also provide web games and mobile games, providing players with an “anytime, anywhere” cross-platform gaming experience. The company has established a leading position in mobile board games in its biggest target markets, namely mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand. According to 2012 revenue statistics, the company's board games ranked first in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Thailand, and ranked second in Taiwan*. At the same time, the company also has the largest portfolio of mobile board games among all Chinese online game companies on Apple's App Store.

Company Profile

Company NameBOYAA
Listing DateNov 12, 2013
Issue Price5.35
Shares Offered184.39M share(s)
FoundedJun 14, 2010
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanzhikang dai
Secretaryyingpanbingyang tao
Audit InstitutionZhonghui Anda Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Company CategoryOverseas registration of Mainland Individuals control
Registered OfficePO Box 309 Ugland House Grand Cayman KY1-1104 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of Business19th Floor, Golden Dragon Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Boya Interactive International Co., Ltd. is an investment holding company, mainly engaged in the development and operation of online board games. The company is dedicated to promoting and growing Web3 gaming-related businesses. The company's games include web games and action games. The company sells gaming virtual tokens (game tokens) and other virtual items through partnerships with third-party game distribution platforms and payment providers. The game is available in multiple languages, including simplified Chinese and others.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • zhikang dai
  • Chairman of the Board, Executive Director
  • --
  • ying tao
  • Executive Director, Acting CEO, Joint Company Secretary, Nomination Committee Members, Authorized Representative
  • --
  • yilin zhang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Chairman of the Audit Committee
  • --
  • hanqiang cai
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee Members, Audit Committee Members
  • --
  • jingchun ma
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Audit Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • --
  • bingyang pan
  • Joint Company Secretary, Authorized Representative
  • --

Market Insights

HK Dividend Stocks HK Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks are stocks of companies in the HK stock market that regularly distribute dividends to shareholders, generally representing stable businesses. Information is provided by Futu and is a non-exhaustive list of all thematic stocks for reference purposes only. This section presents the top 5 stocks in HK dividend stocks, ranked from highest to lowest based on real-time market data. Dividend stocks are stocks of companies in the HK stock market that regularly distribute dividends to shareholders, generally representing stable businesses. Information is provided by Futu and is a non-exhaustive list of all thematic stocks for reference purposes only. This section presents the top 5 stocks in HK dividend stocks, ranked from highest to lowest based on real-time market data.

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