Bison Financial Group Limited (previously known as RoadShow Holdings Limited) (the “Company”) is a listed public company. The Company's shares are listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited and have a history of 18 years. The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are mainly engaged in providing media sales and design services for passenger vehicle exteriors and car interiors, websites, mobile applications, shelters, and outdoor billboards. They also provide comprehensive marketing services covering such advertising platforms, and launched smart bus stop interactive advertising screens as four-dimensional interactive advertising platforms (“media business”) in Hong Kong bus shelters in 2018. The Group successfully acquired all of the issued share capital of Teda Asset Management Co., Ltd. (“TEDA Asset Management”) in December 2018 to expand its new business division into the financial services business. TEDA Asset Management is a licensed corporation that can carry out Type 1 (trading securities), Type 4 (advising on securities) and Type 9 (providing asset management) regulated activities under Chapter 571 of the Hong Kong Legislation, and is mainly engaged in (i) external asset management and (ii) providing investment advisory services to fund managers and/or general partners of overseas private equity funds. In addition, the Group is also engaged in sports-related insurance brokerage business in the People's Republic of China, including providing insurance brokerage services, risk assessment and consulting services relating to sports activities, and developing new insurance brokerage business related to life insurance products (“financial services business”).