We are the world's leading original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for non-leather handbags in terms of sales revenue. We are mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of handbags, such as handbags, shoulder bags, crossbody bags, and carrying bags. Our end customers are mainly well-known multinational fashion brands headquartered in the United States, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Japan and other countries. According to Frost & Sullivan's report, in terms of sales revenue, we are the fifth largest non-leather handbag OEM in the world, the largest non-leather handbag OEM in Cambodia, and the second-largest non-leather handbag OEM in China. The global, Cambodian and Chinese market shares in 2016 were 0.4%, 68.3%, and 0.5%, respectively. Our products are mainly mass-market and mid-price products in the retail market, mainly non-leather handbags made of PVC, PU and various textile materials. During the track record period, our revenue from sales to North America was 87.5%, 76.3% and 71.5%, respectively, while the remaining revenue came mainly from sales to Europe and Asia. We mainly sell to internationally renowned brands (including fast fashion brands) or their purchasing companies. We have established business relationships with our three major clients for over three years during our track record.
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