Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited was incorporated as an exempted limited liability company in the Cayman Islands on December 18, 2012 in accordance with the Cayman Islands Companies Act, and its shares have been listed on the GEM of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited (stock code: 8018). Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are mainly engaged in providing financial transaction software solutions, providing other IT and internet financial platform services, providing recommendation services, money lending business and asset investment in Hong Kong. One of the Company's subsidiaries holds a license for activities regulated by Type 6 (advising on corporate financing) of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong). The Group's first operating subsidiary, iAsia Online Systems Limited (“iAsia”, a limited company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands), is mainly engaged in the development, sale and leasing of financial transaction software solutions, and its main products are trade and settlement. The financial products system is aimed at financial institutions. The target customers are financial institutions engaged in brokerage business for financial products traded in Hong Kong, particularly Class B and Class C brokers and local banks.
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