Nexion Technologies Limited was listed on HKEx GEM on June 16, 2017, under the stock code 8420. For the latest stock price, enter our code (8420) here. We are a complete ICT solutions provider, headquartered in Singapore, dedicated to providing network infrastructure and cybersecurity solutions. Established in 2002, we started as a system integrator, serving telecommunications service providers and large enterprises. As our ICT services gradually diversify, we are now a regional provider of network infrastructure solutions in Southeast Asia. By partnering with various technology vendors, we have gained the experience and expertise to successfully develop our own cybersecurity solutions. Since its establishment in 2002, the Group has been providing services to telecommunications services as a system integration service provider. The Group is a mature information and communication technology solutions provider headquartered in Singapore, focusing on providing network infrastructure and network security solutions. The provider provides services. Through its information and communication technology services, the Group is now a regional provider of network infrastructure solutions in Southeast Asia. Through cooperation with various technology providers, the Group has gained experience and expertise to develop into an information and communications technology solution provider.
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