Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Semi-annual report (domestic trust beneficiary securities, etc.) - 15th period (2024/01/21 - 2025/01/20) [Deemed Amended Securities Report]
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Summary of interim financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/7 (2024/1/21 to 2024/7/20)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: 14th Term (2023/1/21 to 2024/1/20) Trust Property Status Report
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Trust Beneficiary Securities, etc.) - 14th Term (2023/01/21 - 2024/01/20) [Deemed Securities Registration Statement]
Pure Platinum Exchange Trusts: Financial Results Summary for the Fiscal Year Ending 2024/1 (2023/1/21 to 2024/1/20)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Half-Year Report (Domestic Trust Beneficiary Securities, etc.) - 14th Term (2023/01/21-2024/01/20) [Deemed and Corrected Securities Registration Statement]
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Interim financial results summary for the fiscal year ending 2023/7 (2023/1/21 to 2023/7/20)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Trust Property Status Report for the 13th Period (2022/1/21 to 2023/1/20)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Trust Beneficial Securities, etc.) - Period 13 (2022/01/21 - 2023/01/20) [Deemed Securities Registration Statement]
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: January 2023 (January 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Semi-annual report (domestic trust benefit certificate, etc.)-No. 13 (order and 21 January 4-order and 20 January 5) [regarded as revised securities notice]
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Short message of final accounts for the year ending July 2022 (January 21 to July 20, 2022)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Confirmation of the appropriateness of securities reports
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Report on the status of Trust property in the 12th issue (January 21, 2021 to January 20, 2022)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Securities report (domestic trust benefit certificate, etc.)-No. 12 (decree and January 21, 3-decree and January 20, 4) [regarded as securities notice]
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: January 2022 (January 21, 2021 to January 20, 2022) final accounts text message
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Confirmation of the appropriateness of securities reports
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Semi-annual report (domestic trust benefit certificate, etc.)-No. 12 (order and 21 January 3-order and 20 January 4) [regarded as revised securities notice]
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Mid-term settlement text messages in July 2021 (January 21, 2021 to July 20, 2021)
Japan Physical Platinum ETF: Eleventh issue (January 21, 2020 to January 20, 2021) Trust property status report