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Yamato International Sees 1H Net Y215.00M
Yamato Buys Back Shares
MITSUBISHI ESTATE ETC [Stocks with Interesting Features Based on Volume Changes]
Stock closing price, compared to the previous day, Volume * <2970> Good Life C 241733 7113900 * <3628> Data HR 49580 254400 * <3623> BS 157330 528600 * <3054> Hyper 30618 183200 * <7636> Handsman 8422 239000 * <6736> Sun Electronics 9760 650334100 * <1967> Yamato 1300 85100600 * <8968> Fukuoka REIT 140700 70012085 * <2
Stocks that moved on the previous day part 1: Good Life C, Cybozu, Japan Retail Tech ETC.
Stock Name <Code> Closing Price on the 20th ⇒ Change from the Previous Day Yamato <1967> 1300 +85 New Shareholder Benefit System Established. DM Solution <6549> 1370 +85 Announced a Share Buyback with a limit of 1.79% of the outstanding Stocks. Good Life C <2970> 2417 +337 Announced a Share Buyback with a limit of 4.72% of the outstanding Stocks. MicroAd <9553> 216 +16 Announced a Share Buyback with a limit of 2.17% of the outstanding Stocks. Circlace <5029> 637 +
Afternoon session [Active stocks and traded stocks]
*Yamato <1967> 1300 +85 has established a new shareholder benefit program.* DM Solly <6549> 1370 +85 announced a Share Buyback with a limit of 1.79% of the total outstanding stocks.* Good Life C <2970> 2417 +337 announced a Share Buyback with a limit of 4.72% of the total outstanding stocks.* Microad <9553> 216 +16 announced a Share Buyback with a limit of 2.17% of the total outstanding stocks.* Circle Ace <5029> 637 +63
Japanese Stocks End Flat