Morinaga: Notice of completion of adjustment transaction for facility-type share repurchase
Morinaga: Stock certificate purchase status report (based on section 24-6 (1) of the Act)
Morinaga: Corrected securities registration form (reference method)
Morinaga: (Progress of disclosure matters) Notice regarding the purchase of treasury shares through off-site share repurchase transactions and the issuance of 1st ASR stock acquisition rights and 2nd ASR stock acquisition rights through third party allotments
Morinaga: Notice regarding the results and termination of treasury stock acquisition through off-the-counter share purchase transactions (ToSTnet-3)
Morinaga: Q&A about our treasury stock acquisition method (facility-type share repurchase)
Morinaga: Notice regarding the purchase of treasury shares through an off-site share purchase transaction (ToSTNet-3) and the issuance of 1st ASR stock acquisition rights and 2nd ASR stock acquisition rights through third party allotment
Morinaga: Notice Concerning Decisions on Matters Relating to Repurchase of Treasury Shares
Morinaga: Securities registration statement (referencing method).
Morinaga: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the disposal of treasury stocks by third-party allocation due to the continuation of the performance-linked stock compensation system for company executives.
Change report (exemption share certificates, etc.)
Morinaga: Correction Issuance Registration Form
Morinaga: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Morinaga: Issuance registration documents (stock certificates, corporate bonds, etc.)
Morinaga: Notice regarding the results of treasury stock acquisition and termination of share repurchase through an off-site share repurchase transaction (ToSTNet-3)
Morinaga: Notice regarding the purchase of treasury stock through an off-the-counter share purchase transaction (ToSTnet-3)
Morinaga: Notice Concerning Decisions on Matters Relating to Repurchase of Own Shares and Cancellation of Treasury Shares
Morinaga: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Morinaga: Notice regarding results of treasury stock repurchase and termination of treasury stock repurchase through off-the-counter share purchase transaction (ToSTnet-3)
Morinaga: Notice regarding the purchase of treasury stock through an off-the-counter share purchase transaction (ToSTnet-3)