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Stocks with peculiar taste from volume change, such as Modaris, etc.
Closing price of stocks compared to the previous day, Volume * <7371> Zenken 5,062,298,000 * <4736> Japan Rad 860,150,448,000 * <3858> Ubi AI 497,742,828,500 * <4883> Modalis 109,728,896,000 * <4885> Muromachi Chemical 981,503,002,00 * <9439> MH Group 1,952,143,900 * <4893> Noile Immun 182,121,460,600 * <9204> Skymark 602,372,521.
Global X SuperDividend U.S. ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities) - 3rd Period (2024/03/25-2024/09/24)
Global X SuperDividend U.S. ETF: Financial results summary for the fiscal year ending 2024/9 (2024/3/25 to 2024/9/24)
Global X SuperDividend U.S. ETF: Announcements of individual stocks regarding etf earnings distribution.
Global X SuperDividend U.S. ETF: Announcements of etf expected dividend distribution amount
Global X SuperDividend U.S. ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Certificates) - 2nd period (9/25/2023 - 3/24/2024)