Geo Holdings' Attributable Profit Drops 51% in Fiscal H1
GEO Holdings Faces Profit Decline Amidst Sales Challenges
Geo Holdings 1H Net Y2.83B Vs Net Y5.72B
Geo Sets Terms for Issuance of 2nd Unsecured Straight Bond
Geo Holdings Sees FY Net Y6.00B
Geo Holdings 1Q Net Y3.55B Vs Net Y4.83B
Geo Holdings' Full-Year Profit Soars 92%
Shirokuraya to Launch Tender Offer for Geo Holdings Shares
Geo Holdings FY Net Y10.90B Vs Net Y5.68B
Geo's Nine-Month Attributable Profit Climbs on Higher Sales of Luxury, Gaming Goods
Geo Holdings 9-Mos Net Y9.31B Vs Net Y7.23B
Geo's Fiscal H1 Attributable Profit Climbs on Increased Game, Product Sales; Boosts Year-end Dividend Forecast
Geo Holdings 1H Net Y5.72B Vs Net Y4.53B
Geo Holdings Sees FY Net Y7.00B
Geo Holdings FY Net Y5.68B Vs Net Y5.99B
Geo Holdings Sees FY Net Y5.75B
Geo Holdings 1H Net Y4.53B Vs Net Y725.00M