Jiayun Technology: Announcement on Abnormal Stock Trading Fluctuations
Jiayun Technology: Financial Advisory Verification Opinions of Caida Securities Co., Ltd. on the detailed equity change report of Guangdong Kaishaoye Jiayun Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiayun Technology: Announcement of Resolutions of the 9th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
Jiayun Technology: Announcement on Abnormal Stock Trading Fluctuations
Jiayun Technology: Notice on the receipt of the “Administrative Penalty Decision” by the company and related parties
Jiayun Technology: Announcement of Resolutions of the 6th Meeting of the 6th Board of Supervisors
Jiayun Technology: Announcement of Resolutions of the Eighth Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
Jiayun Technology: Announcement of Resolutions of the 7th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
Jiayun Technology: Rules of Procedure for Shareholders\' Meeting (September 2024)
Jiayun Technology: Articles of Association (September 2024)
Jiayun Technology: Summary table on capital usage by controlling shareholders and other related parties
Jiayun Technology: Announcement on providing a counterguarantee to the holding company
Jiayun Technology: Announcement of Board Resolutions
Jiayun Technology: Information Disclosure Management System (August 2024)
Jiayun Technology: Rules of Procedure for Shareholders\' Meeting (August 2024)
Jiayun Technology: Articles of Association (August 2024)
Jiayun Technology: Announcement of Supervisory Board Resolutions
KAISA JiaYun Technology Inc.: Announcement regarding the company and related parties receiving the "Notice of Administrative Punishment Prior to Notification."
KAISA JiaYun Technology Inc.: Announcement on progress of providing guarantee for subsidiary held by the Company
KAISA JiaYun Technology Inc.: Announcement on the progress of multiple interactive, a subsidiary controlled by the holding company, providing guarantee for another subsidiary controlled by jiangxi jiading.