Dinggu Jichuang: Great Wall Securities Co., Ltd.'s sponsorship summary report on Guangdong Dinggu Jichuang Home Furnishing Co., Ltd.'s initial public offering of shares and listing on the GEM
Dinggu Jichuang: Announcement on the progress of the sale of shares in participating companies and the completion of the registration of industrial and commercial changes
Dinggu Jichuang: Supplemental Announcement on Sale of Shares in Participating Companies
Dinggu Jichuang: Announcement on sale of shares in participating companies
Dinggu JiChuang: 4-2 Evaluation report and evaluation instructions for the assets to be purchased involving this major asset restructuring, or valuation report (report draft)
Dinggu JiChuang: 4-1 Financial reports and audit reports for the last two years and the first period of the assets to be purchased involving this major asset restructuring (if it is really impossible to provide them, the reason and the financial status and
Dinggu JiChuang: 3-2 Legal Opinion (Application Draft)
Dinggu JiChuang: 3-1 Independent Financial Adviser Report (Report Draft)
Dinggu JiChuang: 2-1 Major Asset Restructuring Report (Report Draft)
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu Jichuang: Announcement on relinquishing the transfer of priority purchase rights of participating companies
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on the progress of major asset restructuring
Dinggu JiChuang: Announcement on applying for financing lines from financial institutions
Announcement on the temporary suspension of “N Dinggu” intraday trading