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List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that have broken through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1893> Goyo Construction 635 630 624 <2929> Pharma F 100396 963.5 929 <3002> Gunze 5420 5250 5415 <3580> Komatsu Matere 7897 82.75 758.5 <3657> Paul HD 450 449.25 435.5 <386
Gremz's Fiscal H1 Profit Rises Over 7%
Gremz, Inc. Reports Strong Half-Year Results and Positive Outlook
Grims---2Q revenue and profit increase, sales and profit of energy cost solution business and retail electricity business are steadily growing.
On the 14th, Grimms <3150> announced its consolidated financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (from April to September 2024). Revenue was 16.778 billion yen, an increase of 5.2% compared to the same period last year, operating profit was 3.372 billion yen, an increase of 5.5% year-on-year, ordinary profit was 3.45 billion yen, an increase of 6.8% year-on-year, and net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 2.334 billion yen, an increase of 7.2% year-on-year. Revenue from the energy cost solution business was 4.914 billion yen, an increase of 11.9% year-on-year, and segment profit was up by 10.
List of converted stocks (Part 2) [List of converted stocks for Parabolic Signal]
Sell conversion stock list market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Tokyo main board <1417> Miraithwaun 2161 2292<1820> Nishimatsuken 51365370<1946> Toenec 914968<1976> Myojo Kogyo 13021383<2146> UT Group 21372729<2153> EasyHD 16841733<2211> Fujiko 26642699<222
Gremz, Inc. Reports Strong First-Half Growth