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Volume change rate ranking (10 AM) - Software Create HD, Keikyu, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the market participants' interest in trends such as hunting by comparing the average volume of the last 5 days with the volume on the delivery date. ▪ Volume Change Rate Top [As of November 25, 10:32] (Comparison of average volume of the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Price Change Rate <9006> Keikyu6215800671743.73 282% 0.1164% <2752> Fujiofdo
Softcreate ranks in, approval of the new listing of consolidated subsidiary Visumo.
Softcreat (3371) has ranked in (as of 10:32). It has fallen back. It was announced that the Tokyo Stock Exchange approved the listing of the consolidated subsidiary Vismo on the growth market on December 26 after the trading session last Friday, but as the stock price is at a high level, profit-taking sell pressure is prevailing. It is planned to conduct a sell-off at the time of listing, and the shareholding ratio is expected to decrease from 66.67% to 53.01%. Volume change rate ranking [as of November 25, 10:32] (comparison of the average volume over the last 5 days).
November 25th [Today's Investment Strategy]
[FISCO Selected Stocks] [Material Stock] San-Ai Kaken <4234> 504 yen (11/22) Engaged in packaging materials such as lightweight packaging materials, release paper, adhesive tape base materials. It was announced that they will implement a share buyback of up to 1 million shares, equivalent to 9.5% of the issued shares, and an amount of up to 0.6 billion yen. The acquisition period is from November 25, 24 to October 31, 25. On November 25th, they will entrust the buying in the Tokyo Stock Exchange's off-auction own share buyback trading (ToSTNeT-3) in 24.
Focus on DTS and Mitsui Chemicals, while Meiji Holdings and Fujio Foods may be underperforming.
Last weekend on the 22nd, in the US stock market, the dow jones industrial average rose by $426.16 to 44,296.51, the nasdaq composite index increased by 31.23 points to 19,003.65, and the Chicago nikkei 225 futures were up by 255 yen compared to the Osaka day session, reaching 38,595 yen. The exchange rate was 1 dollar = 154.20-30 yen. Today in the Tokyo market, DTS <9682> announced a share buyback and cancellation of up to 3.82% of the number of issued shares, while Mitsui Chemicals <4183> announced a share buyback of up to 1.68% of the number of issued shares, consolidated.
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM slot) - SOMPOHD, KADOKAWA, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the market participants' interest in trends such as speculation by comparing the volume of the latest 5-day average with the volume on the delivery date. Top change rate in volume [As of 9:32 on November 20] (comparison of volume with the latest 5-day average) Stock code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <7357> Geocode 110,000 1071 85.083 2101.02% 0.072% <9468>
Softcreate Holdings: Confirmatory letter.
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