CyberStep: Notice of progress regarding the business partnership with Bacoor DApps Co., Ltd.
CyberStep: Notice regarding changes in major shareholders
CyberStep: Stock transfer report relating to third party allotment (new shares)
CyberStep: Stock transfer report relating to third party allotment (new shares)
CyberStep: Stock transfer report relating to third party allotment (new shares)
CyberStep: Notice regarding establishment of a subsidiary
CyberStep: Notice regarding a business partnership with Bacoor DApps Co., Ltd.
CyberStep: Notice regarding the recording of non-operating income and non-operating expenses
CyberStep: Notice regarding the commencement of consideration of a shareholder benefit system associated with the granting of “NFTs with meme coin exchange rights”
CyberStep: Notice regarding a business partnership with Saboten Kikaku Co., Ltd.
CyberStep: Notice Concerning the Recording of Extraordinary Losses Associated with Decisions to Sell Inventories
CyberStep: Notice regarding the monthly exercise status of the 39th and 40th Stock Acquisition Rights with Exercise Price Amendment Clauses
CyberStep: Notice regarding changes in the largest shareholder who is a major shareholder
CyberStep: Stock Transfer Report Affirmations Related to Third-Party Allocation (New Shares)
CyberStep: Notice regarding the monthly exercise status of the 39th and 40th Stock Acquisition Rights with Exercise Price Amendment Clauses
CyberStep: Notice regarding the start of a new business
CyberStep: Notice Concerning the Recording of Non-Operating Expenses (Foreign Exchange Losses)
CyberStep: Notice regarding the monthly exercise status of the 39th and 40th Stock Acquisition Rights with Exercise Price Amendment Clauses
CyberStep: Notice regarding changes in consolidated subsidiaries (subsidiary companies) due to sale of subsidiary shares
CyberStep: Notice regarding the monthly exercise status of the 39th and 40th Stock Acquisition Rights with Exercise Price Amendment Clauses