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Info MT ETC [Stocks with intriguing potential seen from Volume changes]
Stock Name Closing Price Change Volume* <2526> NZAM 400 25285 35 14930* <2517> MXSJ REIT Core 1011.53.5 102090* <6149> Odawara Engine 1849219130500* <7092> FFJ 1456216368900* <4167> Cocopelli 39641347000* <3997> Trade Works 1573247194000* <249
Bushiroad, Smile HD and others.
<1447> SAAF HD revises downward its operating profit forecast for the current period to 0.39 billion yen from 1.09 billion yen and revises dividends, suspending the year-end dividends. <196A> MFS revises upward its operating profit forecast for the current period to 0.091 billion yen from 0.069 billion yen. <2158> FRONT E O revises upward its operating profit forecast for the current period to 0.523 billion yen from 0.4 billion yen. <2173> Hakuten increases dividends, with the year-end dividend per share for the previous period at 11.00 yen from 9.00 yen. <247A> AI Robotics revises upward its operating profit forecast for the current period to 2.4 billion yen.
Socialwire: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Socialwire: Notice regarding revisions to full-year consolidated earnings forecasts
Socialwire: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (financial results presentation)
Kirin HD, Matsukiyo Cocok, Dentsu Group, Rakuten Group (14th) (1379-5368)
The above Calendar is merely a schedule and is subject to change due to the company's circumstances.--------------------------------------- February 14 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akigawa Boku-en <1417> Mirait-Wan <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscaping <1443> Giken HD <1447> SAAF HD <145A> Elizbee<