No Data
No Data
tripla, Daiwa Cycle and others
<184A> The revised forecast for the learning aid has been adjusted downward, with an operating loss outlook of △0.299 billion yen, down from 0.2 billion yen. <286A> Acquired stocks of Gplus, which engages in Yukaria A-REIT ETF inheritance consulting, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. <4014> Concluded a memorandum regarding the consideration of a business partnership with Sumitomo Life Insurance Mutual Company, which operates in the Insurance business. <4169> Recorded a subsidy income from Enechange of 4.676 billion yen as non-operating income. <4591> Ribomic JST・CREST "AI App.
ENECHANGE Ltd. Records Significant Subsidy Income in EV Charging Sector
Jacks, Yamaha and others [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
* JAX <8584> Mitsubishi UFJ Bank adds 39 billion yen in investment, holding 40% voting rights in MUFG (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * Nippon Steel <5401> promotes market formation for 'GX Steel' domestically, advancing the economic valuation of CO2 reduction during manufacturing (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * Yamaha Motor <7272> extends operations at Hamakita Plant until 2031, postponing the completion within this year (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * SoftBank <9434> acquires part of SHARP CORP Sakai Plant for 100 billion yen (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * Toyota Tsusho <8015> 134.4 billion.
Enechange to Dissolve UK Subsidiary
IIF, Frontier I, and others.
<260A>A business partnership has been established between High Resolution, which is engaged in the Alte GPU business, and the next-generation Datacenter project "alt GPU Cloud". <278A>Acquisition of shares in Terra DX Solutions, which operates disaster recovery services and construction management software, has been made by a subsidiary. <2997>Acquisition of A-REIT ETF for sales-related properties (land in Nerima, Tokyo, and Kawasaki, Kanagawa). <3133>Kaihatsu has initiated a new business. <3664>Mobcast HD has its 35th stock option.
ENECHANGE Ltd. to Dissolve Subsidiary Amid Strategic Restructuring