Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice regarding personnel affairs of officers
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Change report.
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice of conclusion of “Kubota Glass” Statement of Intent (LOI) and sales agreement with Sakata Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Report on the first exhibition of “Kubota Glass” at the China International Optical Industry Exhibition
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Announcement of “Kubota Glass” WELLBEING AWARDS 2025 FINALIST selection
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice of acquisition of a new patent relating to retinal monitoring devices for at-home/remote ophthalmology in the United States
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice of obtaining a new patent related to Kubota glasses technology in Japan
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice regarding the monthly exercise status of the 33rd Stock Acquisition Rights (with exercise price amendment clause)
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Full year financial results presentation materials for the fiscal year ending 2024/12
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice of obtaining a new patent related to Kubota glasses technology in the United States
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice of obtaining a new patent for a VAP-1 inhibitor in Japan
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice of changes in eligibility conditions under the shareholder benefit program
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Change report.
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/12 [IFRS] (consolidated)
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2024 (under IFRS)
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice regarding the recording of impairment losses on fixed assets
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice regarding earnings forecasts
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice regarding the monthly exercise status of the 33rd Stock Acquisition Rights (with exercise price amendment clause)
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Notice regarding the decline of performance-based remuneration for representative directors
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings: Announcement of the conclusion of a basic agreement on the “Kubota Glass” transaction with Zhejiang Tianming Optical Technology