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SBSHD, Kirin HD, etc. (additional) Rating.
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4971> Meck Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <5831> Shizuoka Financial Group Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <5838> Rakuten Bank Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------
Sakata Inks, artience ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------------- <2269> Meiji HD Morgan Stanley "Underweight" "Equal Weight" <2768> Sojitz Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <3110> Nitto Boseki Daiwa "3" "2" <7011> Mitsubishi Heavy GS "Hold" "Buy" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = Sakata Ink, Toridoll Holdings, ETC.
◎Nomura Securities (three-tier system; Buy > neutral > Reduce) Sakata Ink <4633.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 2,200 yen → 2,300 yen Artien <4634.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 4,200 yen → 4,300 yen ◎Daiwa Securities (five-tier system; 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5) Toridoll Holdings <3397.T> -- "2" → "2", 4,700 yen → 4,200 yen ◎SMBC Nikko Securities (three-tier system; 1 > 2 > 3) Nippon Paint Holdings <4612.T> -- "1" →
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
* Crosscat <2307> 1213 +168 Upward revision of performance and Financial Estimates. * EnbiPro HD <5698> 427 +43 Announcement of a high level of Share Buyback. * DeNA <2432> 3920 +386 Ichiyoshi Securities has upgraded its rating. * Misumi Group Headquarters <9962> 2729 +263 Speculation on Alibaba's investment expansion policy, etc. * Rohtz <6323> 1913 +153.5 Marusan Securities continues to recommend buying.
Artience ETC continues to rank, announcing a partial review of its capital policy.
Artience <4634> has ranked in (as of 1:32 PM). There is a significant rebound. A partial revision of the capital policy in the medium-term management plan was announced the previous day. For the fiscal year ending December 2026, the initial target of achieving an ROE of over 7% is now being aimed to exceed 8%. Additionally, regarding shareholder returns, the initial target of more than 20 billion yen has been raised to over 40 billion yen, and the consideration of additional share buybacks is mentioned. Volume change rate top [February 21, 1:3.
February 21 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Envipro Holdings <5698> 384 yen (2/20) engages in recycling, reusing, and other resource circulation businesses. It announced a Share Buyback of 2 million shares, equivalent to 6.60% of the total issued Shares, with a limit of 1 billion yen. The acquisition period is from March 7, 2025, to August 7, 2025. The purpose is to improve capital efficiency and carry out a flexible capital policy in response to changes in the business environment. As of February 20, 2025, Shareholding of the company's own stocks.