TDC Soft: Treasury Stock Purchase Status Report (based on Section 24-6 (1) of the Act)
TDC Soft: Notice Concerning Stock Split and Partial Changes to the Articles of Incorporation Associated with the Stock Split
TDC Soft: Notice Concerning Results and Termination of Repurchase of Treasury Shares Due to Off-Site Repurchase Transactions (ToStNet-3)
TDC Soft: Notice Concerning Repurchase of Treasury Shares and Repurchase of Treasury Shares through Off-Site Repurchase Transactions (ToStNet-3)
TDC Soft: Change Report (Stock Certificates Eligible for Special Provisions, etc.)
TDC Soft: Mass holding report (stock certificates subject to special cases, etc.)
TDC Soft Inc: Report on the acquisition of own shares (in accordance with Article 24-6, paragraph 1)
TDC Soft Inc: Notice on the result of the acquisition and termination of the acquisition of its own shares (ToSTNeT-3)
TDC Soft Inc: Notice on the acquisition of one's own shares and the acquisition of one's own shares through an out-of-session acquisition transaction (ToSTNeT-3)
TDC Soft Inc: Change report (special target stock, etc.)
TDC Soft Inc: Notice on the change of part of the articles of association of stock division and stock division
TDC Soft Inc: Change report.
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