Okamoto Industries: Notice of formulation of the “Okamoto Group Human Rights Policy”
Okamoto Industries: Notice regarding the results of the tender offer for shares of Riken Corundum Co., Ltd. (stock code 5395)
Okamoto Industries: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the start of a public tender offer for Riken Corundum Co., Ltd. stock (Securities Code 5395).
Okamoto Industries: Overview of evaluation results relating to the effectiveness of the Board of Directors of the Company
Okamoto Industries: Notice regarding cancellation of treasury stock
Okamoto Industries: Notice Concerning the Introduction of a Stock Remuneration System with Transfer Restrictions
Okamoto Industries: Notice regarding personnel affairs of officers and personnel affairs of executive officers
Okamoto Industries: Notice regarding the occurrence of extraordinary losses
Okamoto Industries: Legal ex post facto disclosure documents (absorption merger) (Sekai Chou Union Co., Ltd.)
Okamoto Industries: Legal Advance Disclosure Documents (Merger and Absorption) (Sekai Chang Union Co., Ltd.)
Okamoto Industries: Overview of evaluation results relating to the effectiveness of the Board of Directors of the Company
Okamoto Industries: Notice regarding cancellation of treasury stock
Okamoto Industries: Notice regarding personnel affairs of officers and personnel affairs of executive officers
Okamoto Industries: Notice Concerning the Occurrence of Extraordinary Losses
Okamoto Industries: Articles of association 2023-03-01
Okamoto Industries: Notice on absorption and merger of wholly-owned subsidiaries (simple merger and brief merger)
Okamoto Industries Inc: Articles of association 2022-06-29
Okamoto Industries Inc: (correction) partial correction of the notice on the transfer of the Chairman of the Board and Directors
Okamoto Industries Inc: A summary of the evaluation results of the effectiveness of the board of directors of the company
Okamoto Industries Inc: Notice on cancellation of one's own shares