Sumitomo Riko: Notice regarding changes in major shareholders
Sumitomo Riko: Progress report based on the plan for compliance with listing maintenance standards.
Sumitomo Riko: Regarding matters related to dominant shareholders.
Sumitomo Riko: Independent Officer Notification Form
Sumitomo Riko: Notice Concerning Receipt of Dividends from Consolidated Subsidiaries
Sumitomo Riko: Notice regarding the restructuring of production and supply systems in our chemical products business
Sumitomo Riko: Progress based on plans for compliance with listing maintenance standards
Sumitomo Riko: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Articles of association 2022-06-16
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice of independent director
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice of partial change of articles of association
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice on the termination of the lawsuit against the Company
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: On the determination of Gold Market selection in New Market Division and the Plan in accordance with the New Market Division and listing maintenance Standard
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice on the judgment on the lawsuit (appeal trial) of our company
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice on the transfer of shares and other expenses of the merged subsidiary
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice of independent director
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd: Notice on the transfer of the Chairman of the Board (replacement of General Manager)
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