1.27BMarket Cap4.82P/E (TTM)
1.120High1.080Low2.28MVolume1.120Open1.120Pre Close2.51MTurnover2.36852wk High0.24%Turnover Ratio1.16BShares1.04052wk Low0.226EPS TTM1.06BFloat Cap2.368Historical High3.71P/E (Static)968.89MShs Float0.472Historical Low0.294EPS LYR3.57%Amplitude0.18Dividend TTM1.70P/B100Lot Size16.06%Div YieldTTM
田東正 : In the upcoming quarters, whether it can continue to profit and distribute dividends is the key!
ERAs_99 : No point if u loss all capital
103551590 : It is called ex-dividend, not dividend payment. Ex-dividend means deducting the money from the stock price to give it to you. Now at 1.1, you have a value of 1100, with an ex-dividend of 0.1, you receive 100, but your remaining value is 1000. He is just giving your money back to you.
103755715 103551590 : If that is the case, that means ex dividends are actually pointless for investor who just wants to see stock price appreciation? I used to thought that annualised return is purely from stock appreciation, and ex dividend is just like the bonus (two separate things). But it seems like it's just giving you early payout of the stock price, not something extra
103551590 103755715 : It is meaningful that a stable price prevents investors from entering at excessively high prices. It has been roughly calculated that if Maybank had not gone ex-dividend, the current price would be around 20. If it were that high, I would consider other stocks.