5.78BMarket Cap10.12P/E (TTM)
2.590High2.550Low947.10KVolume2.580Open2.570Pre Close2.43MTurnover2.69352wk High0.09%Turnover Ratio2.27BShares2.28152wk Low0.252EPS TTM2.81BFloat Cap3.657Historical High10.12P/E (Static)1.10BShs Float0.290Historical Low0.252EPS LYR1.56%Amplitude0.15Dividend TTM0.75P/B100Lot Size5.96%Div YieldTTM
102860770 : This is a good dividen stock with the price of 2.50 is still undervalue,slow and steady up to break soon
F19876 : still better than mbsb
101541757 : agree, worth of purchase and wait. compared to other banks.