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List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks that dropped below the clouds Market Code Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1719> Ando Hazama 1153 1171.5 1158 <1814> Dai Sue Construction 1640 1641 1664.5 <1820> Nishimatsu Construction 5059 5090.2 55136.5 <1835> Toei Iron Works 3175 3205 3300 <1878> Daito Construction 16910 17007.5 17235 <
List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B TSE Main Board <2211> Fujiya 2696 2662 2691.5 <2410> Career DC18611783 1830.5 <2429> World HD 1997 1992 1976 <3116> Toyota Boshoku 1990 1986.25 1931.5 <3154> Broadcasting HD 8298 18.75
Iida GHD, Toyo, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgrade - Bullish code stock name securities company traditional change after -------------------------------------------------- <9983> FirstLiteiJPM "Neutral" "OverW" Downgrade - Bearish code stock name securities company traditional change after -------------------------------------------------- <
Nishimatsu Construction, Shin Nikkei Science, etc. (additional) Rating.
Upgraded - Bullish code stock name securities firm conventional changes after -------------------------------------------------- <7269> Suzuki MacCorley "Neutral" "Outperform" Downgraded - Bearish code stock name securities firm conventional changes after -------------------------------------------------- <9024> Seibu
List of stocks with cleared skies (weekly chart) (Part 1)
List of breakout stocks in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Lead Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Board <1871> PS 1054 990 890.5 <1878> Daito Const 1713 516982.5 15617.5 <1890> Toyo Const 1319 1288.25 1208 <2170> LINK & M 5475 4454.5 532.5 <2229> Calbee 3266 3259.
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