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Sakata Inks, artience ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------------- <2269> Meiji HD Morgan Stanley "Underweight" "Equal Weight" <2768> Sojitz Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <3110> Nitto Boseki Daiwa "3" "2" <7011> Mitsubishi Heavy GS "Hold" "Buy" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------
Rating information (investment determination change - part 1) = Nitto Boseki, Sojitz ETC
◎ Daiwa Securities (5 levels: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5) Nichibo <3110.T> -- "3" → "2", 6300 yen → 6000 yen Nichias <5393.T> -- "1" → "2", 6700 yen → 5500 yen ◎ Mizuho Securities (3 levels: Buy > Hold > underperform) Sojitz <2768.T> -- "Hold" → "Buy", 3330 yen → 3840 yen Mitsubishi Corporation <8058.T> -- "Buy" → "Hold", 2830 yen → 2720 yen ◎ Okasan Securities (3 levels: Bullish > Hold > Bearish) Panasonic
Rating [Securities company ratings]
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After------------------------------------------------------------- <4901> Fujifilm Mito "B+" "A" <2768> Sojitz Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <7729> Tokyo Seimitsu Okasan "Hold" "Bullish" <6752> Panasonic HD Okasan "Hold" "Bullish" <3110> Nitto Boseki Daiwa "3" "2" <5186> Nitta Tokai Tokyo "neutral"
<Rating Change Observation> New - Dai Sekis / Resonaq upgrade, Nichias downgrade, ETC.
◎New and resumed ratings for Kaneka <4118.T> -- domestic mid-sized firms rated at level 2 of 5. Daiseki <9793.T> -- internet-based firms rated at the highest level of 3. ◎Upgraded rating for Meiji HD <2269.T> -- bank-based firms rated at the middle level of 3. Sojitz <2768.T> -- bank-based firms rated at the highest level of 3. Nitto Boseki <3110.T> -- domestic large firms rated at level 2 of 5 (Target Price lowered). Resona Holdings <4004.T> -- foreign capital firms rated at the highest level of 5 (Target Price lowered). Fujifilm <4901>.
Nichias' Attributable Profit Increases 17% in Nine Months to December 2024
The Trump administration approved the construction of petroleum export ports.
The Trump administration has reportedly approved the construction project of the Texas oil export terminal "Texas GulfLink Deepwater Port." It is said to be capable of shipping 1 million barrels per day. This project was first applied for in 2019 and was awaiting final approval from the U.S. Maritime Administration. <1605> INPEX <1662> Oil and Gas Development <5008> Toa Oil <5009> Fuji Kosen <5017>